Department of Orthodontics

Department of Orthodontics

Misaligned teeth, jaw alignmentsurgical realignment are performed to improve the masticatory functionthe overall appearance.

Distinguishing Factors

1Interdisciplinary Treatment Approach Based on Collaboration Among Three Orthodontists

2Precise Diagnostic AnalysisTreatment Plan Based on Special Diagnostic Program (V-depth)

3Regular MaintenanceManagement for 6 Months, 1 Year2 Years Following the Removal of Braces (Brackets)

4Interdisciplinary Approach for Pre-orthodontic Treatment Tooth ExtractionCavity Treatment, Temporomandibular Joint Treatment,Combined Orthodontic TreatmentOrthognathic Surgery, etc.

5Individually Tailored Tooth Brushing Instructions (TBI, oral hygiene instructions)

Treatment Areas

1Crookedmisaligned teeth, open bite, deep overbite, diastema (e.g. gap between the front teeth), partial correction for implants, cross-bite, prognathism

2Types of Devices